Saturday, January 23, 2016

Defending Traditional Marriages

As I learned more about the possible realities and long-term effects and outcomes of same-sex marriage on families, marriages, and children I found myself feeling deeply distraught about the United States Supreme Court's decision to legalize same-sex marriage in June of 2015. I had not thought about all the children that will be born and raised in these same-sex marriages and the adverse consequences of these children not having either a father or a mother. I had not thought about the fact that including same-sex marriages under the definition of marriage will, in essence, redefine our parameters for married living overall. I had not thought about the impacts same-sex marriages will have upon our family bonds across generations. When I thought about the social ramifications that same-sex marriage will have upon our lives within a few decades, my eyes were opened and I began to be overcome with concern.   
I admit that when Washington State put same-sex marriage on the voter's ballot in November of 2012, I voted for same-sex marriage. I did not properly research the effects of same-sex marriage and neglected my responsibility to become an educated voter. I regret that decision now. If I had known that the realities of same-sex marriage weakening marriage in general were as evident as they are, I would have voted against same-sex marriage. The thought that my vote will most likely make the lives of thousands of children unstable, erratic, and inconsistent bothers me to my core. I recognize and fully acknowledge now that there is no part of same-sex marriage that serves to improve society at large and for me, knowing that I had a hand in creating that reality is embarrassing and upsetting.
Now that I know and understand the damage I have helped perpetuate I feel a significant responsibility to stand up and boldly defend traditional marriages! I feel compelled to open my mouth and talk to others about what I know and share my newfound understanding of the importance of defending marriage as a union between a man and a woman. As a Latter-day Saint I know that God's purposes for marriage are to create and nurture families. I should have known that men and women are designed to compliment one another and provide balance and stability for children. God's divinely designed plan for marriage has been established to provide His children with a means to achieve exaltation. God has also designed marriage and family to create an atmosphere of support, love, guidance, balance, encouragement, and unity between mothers and fathers and their children. This basic, divinely appointed structure cannot exist in a same-sex marriage.
I have learned several valuable truths this week; 1) same-sex marriage is not the same as traditional marriage between a man and woman on any level,  2) always research the topics I am voting on and all the pros and cons of the issue put before me to approve or deny, and 3) always trust my Heavenly Father and His plan of happiness for us. I am thankful for the insights on marriage I have gained this week and for the newfound commitment to personally defend marriage and family that I have solidified.


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